Sept. 12/24 – Tabasco sauce to the rescue

September 12, 2024

It may sound odd to use Tabasco sauce or a capsaicin topical ointment if your lips are on fire, but there is science behind it. After a semi-decent day yesterday, my burning pain rose significantly in the evening. Finally about an hour before I wanted to go to bed, I made up the Tabasco/water mix to apply to my lips. (I mention the directions here)

Yes, it does burn when you first dab it on but not as bad as the burning that makes you need it. If it works, then the burning starts to recede and your overall pain level drops. That what it does for me, but only sometimes. It doesn’t always work. But it did help when I had Covid and it worked last night. My pain levels dropped enough for me to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, the burning came back halfway through the night, but at least it wasn’t so bad for the first half.

Again, there was nothing really different about my day yesterday or last night.

This morning I went to the gym as usual. Tues/Thurs workouts are 30-40 minutes on the rowing machine. Right now, I’d rate my pain around a 5 again. I’m going out for a walk shortly while we still have nice late summer/early fall weather. Getting outside is always good for the soul.

5 flames to rate BMS pain today